Hypnosis Audio Set to Unlock Your Empowered Feminine & Thrive in Career and Relationships


Find your feminine energy and balance your inner masculine. Bring these two ancient energies into an alignment within and operate from your Empowered Feminine in your relationship. Watch your woman within thrive. Four- session self-hypnosis audio set.

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This self-hypnosis audio set is designed to empower women.

As a hypnotherapist, I have been working with men and women helping them make healthy changes in habit building, conquering fears and changing behaviors. About half of the women who come to me for services, often need help with relationship problems, like healing breakups, hard time meeting a partner, overcoming fears and shame and self-esteem issues in personal or professional life.

I have found that often, the problems stem from the lack of confidence, feeling the resentment, guilt, low self-esteem and emotional vacuum. The inner feminine is either hurt, neglected, dismissed and discounted. By who? The woman herself. Also, I found that often women tend to over-value, overuse and over-honor their inner masculine. This causes a disconnect in their inner woman and hence the relationship problems with an opposite sex.

It is utterly important to understand the dynamics between your inner feminine and masculine. But what’s more important is the equal honor of these two distinct inner poles and your ability to balance them and recognize their unique function and value.

Audio 1. Hypnosis Audio Session for Forgiveness- 35 minutes

This hypnosis audio us also part of the Immune System Boost package. I made it part of Unlock Your Empowered feminine audio set, as I believe in order to heal and free yourself from unwanted feelings, like shame, guilt, resentment, derived from the experiences of the past, it is utterly important to forgive yourself and others. As an Empowered Woman, you are the force of love and forgiveness, but you must shine upon yourself first.

The research has shown that releasing hard feelings of guilt, anger and resentment are helpful for the proper function of your immune system and overall physical and emotional well- being. Forgiveness techniques in visualization, used in CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) “have demonstrated not only to provide a cathartic relief, but also to result in enhanced functioning of the immune system on both short- and long- term follow-ups of patients (D. Corrydon Hammond, Ph.D. Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors, 1990). With better health patients become more upbeat, open to life and experiences.

This hypnosis audio session will guide you through metaphoric doors of forgiveness. You will learn and experience self-forgiveness as well as the forgiveness of others who you believe, may have caused you pain or discomfort.

Audio 2. Channeling Feminine Energy - 35 minutes

This audio will help your reconnect with your feminine energy. How would you feel if you fully embraced your feminine power to surrender, and realized that in it lies your true strength, not weakness? Your power to let go, stop chasing, trust yourself, know and believe that as you settle in your stoic and calm presence – all life has a way of working out? Healthy mature masculine is truly attracted to that balanced healthy feminine.

Here are unique feminine qualities you will evoke as you rediscover and heal your inner feminine: being expressive, present calm, soft, empathetic, connected to people ( just enough and in a balanced way), open to life and experiences, fearlessness, warmness and more. Watch how this energy could affect the way you carry yourself, your posture, walk, gestures, the way you dress and more. Remember this is about activating a balanced healthy form of feminine.

Audio 3. Embody Your Inner Goddess - 33 minutes

Who is a true Goddess? She is an immaculate integration of the pristine feminine and inner masculine. She is the ultimate force of nature, both the hurricane and the calm after a storm. A Goddess honors her feminine and wisely uses her masculine. She is God in a female form, a female vessel for her feminine and masculine. She is solid, unapologetic, authentic, confident, feminine, assertive, loving, kind, supportive, patient, fiercely focused, calm, present, nurturing, clear, forth seeing, humble and dignified– a mighty force of nature.

This audio will help you discover and embody Your Inner Goddess. Connect with your Inner Goddess and all else will stabilize and resolve itself in her presence. All women have her, but not all properly embody her. Let this self-hypnosis teach you the way to your Inner Goddess.

Once you feel and embody her, you can go back to this feeling, ask her to guide you to your best course of action.  If you are confronted with a challenging or difficult situation or feel like you may be losing ground or sight, you will ask yourself: “what would a Goddess do now, how would she respond?” Then listen to yourself and feel your Goddess’s power within again, guiding you with dignity and humility in the right direction.  

Connect with your Inner Goddess and all else will stabilize and resolve itself.

Audio 4. Becoming a High Quality Woman to Attract Your Soulmate - 27 minutes

Are you single and ready to settle down? Is something still holding you back? Don’t worry, wit the audios in this program, you will learn to open up and confident walk towards your soulmate. This audio is designed to help you release any left over hold back and blocks preventing from meeting your soulmate. Your soulmate is out there, looking for you.

You will imagine the connection visually and metaphorically and will be hypnotized with suggestions of confidence faith and openness to meet your soulmate. This audio will also boost your self-esteem, self- worth and a simple knowing - you deserve it, and it is time for this miracle to happen!